Manage elections

“Elections” in ElectUp are a high-level structure to organize your races.

They are not typically shown on the front end, but information you enter into them could be public in certain views.

Races for specific government positions are contained within elections, so you’ll need to have at least one election before creating specific races.

More than one organization can own an election. If you are collaborating with another news organization, you can contact support to make sure you both have full access to the election and all its races.

Create a new election

Click on “Elections” in the main menu and click “New Election” in the upper right.

Edit an election

Click on “Elections” in the main menu. Find the name of election you want to edit in the list and click on it.

Click the “Settings” button in the upper right.

Election settings

Elections have minimal settings, mostly for the benefit of organization within your admin view of ElectUp rather than publicly-facing election guides. However, information you enter in election settings could be public in certain situations.

  • Election name – Name the election something descriptive and specific to this exact election. Other organizations may see this election name, so think about including a geographic region and general/primary distinction if applicable.
    For example, “2024 Local Election” could apply to multiple elections. Something like “2024 Franklin Municipal General Elections” will usually be clearer.
  • Slug – Slugs are not used often, but represent a portion of the URL, and so can only contain letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores
  • Election date – Primary used to keep your admin dashboard organized
  • Status – Elections are only publicly viewable embedded in your site when their status is set to “Published.”
    • By default, individual races within an election inherit its status, although they can be individually set to “Draft” so they are not shown even if the election is published.
    • Individual races within the election cannot be published unless the election is published.