ElectUp has the ability to directly survey candidates to gather their responses for the election guide. This avoids the data entry and security concerns of using third party form or survey tools.
Candidate surveys are tied to an email address.
Send candidates a link
Each race has a single link that goes to all the candidates. This means you can send it from your official organization email (or any other method of reliably getting it to the candidates).
This link sends them to a form where they can request their secure survey link:
Email confirmation form
Candidates enter their official email address, and when they click “request” they receive an email to that address with a link to the form:
Secure survey link via email
Candidates receive their individual, secure link to the candidate survey.
The link takes them to the candidate survey:
Candidate survey
The link opens an individual, time-limited survey where they can respond to the topics you have opened up for candidate responses.